These files are just awesome, just download them and send them to your online friends via. messengers,emails or even pendrives. These files don't harm your computer but they can freak and frustrate your friends badly :P until they restart their PCs. DOWNLOAD File 1 ) This file Convey your friend a lil' message and shut down his / her computer. DOWNLOAD File 2 )This file continuously presses the his/her caps lock button. ex. If he wants to write - " I am sorry Kaushik" it would type as- " I aM SoRry kAusHiK" DOWNLOAD File 3 )This file is one of my favorite, because it will continuosly pop-out your freind's CD-ROM automatically. DOWNLOAD File 4 )This file will Frustrate your friend by making him hit Enter simultaneously. DOWNLOAD File 5 )This file will Open Notepad, slowly type "Hello, how are you? I am good
thanks" and freak your friend out. DOWNLOAD File 6 )This file will Frustrate your friend by making him/her hit Backspace
simultaneously. DOWNLOAD File 7 ) This file will Hack your friend's keyboard and make him type "You are a fool"
continuously. DOWNLOAD File 8 ) This file will Open so many Notepads continually in your friend's computer. DOWNLOAD File 9 ) This file will asks your friend to choose a number between 1-5 and then does a
certain action. Option-3 will format his/her lappie. "SO DON'T SEND THIS FILE TO ANYONE". DOWNLOAD File 10) I am searching...